After WWII, Cousins doubled its plant size to 25,000 sq. ft. and
obtained ASME Code certification, the 219th company in North
America to do so, and maintains its certification to this day. New
areas of manufacturing at that time consisted of pneumatic
starting tanks and auxiliary equipment for the diesel and electric
engine industry, along with chemical and refinery equipment
(pressure vessels and heat exchangers).
Nelson and Gregory Pauly purchased Cousins in 1976, dropping
the “and Sons” from the company name. |
Who Is J.D. Cousins?
J.D.Cousins and Sons was started in 1867 in Buffalo as a
machine builder, and was the sixth company to register
with the newly formed Buffalo Chamber of Commerce. In
1904, Cousins purchased Howard Iron Works and moved
it to its current 2.9 acre location with 12,500 sq. ft. of
highbay plant space and 600 sq. ft. of office space and concentrated on bolt and nut tapping machinery along
with fire hydrant manufacturing.